Welome to the web site for purchasing high quality screw fasteners!
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How to use the PlusTech Screw Fasteners web site
All prices of goods offered are only applicable to deliveries within the United Kingdom.
From the Home Page select the type of screw fastener you want to purchase by clicking one of the screw pictures, or by clicking the description to the left of the picture, or by clicking one of the page buttons on the blue menu bar at the top of the Home Page. This brings up the Shopping Page for the type of screw you have selected. The following shopping pages can be accessed from the Home Page:
Shopping Pages:
Page 1........ Oval Head Silicon Bronze Screws
Page 2 ........Flat Head Silicon Bronze Screws
Page 3........ Solid Brass Screws
Page 4 ........Stainless Steel Screws
Page 5.........Twin Thread Screws
Page 6.........Green Decking Screws
Page 7.........Timberfix Decking (Landscape) Screws
Now select the sizes and quantites of the screws you want to order. Enter the quantity into the ORDER text box on the Shopping Page, then select the adjacent radio button XFER for each size of screw you require.
To add the the selected screws to your shopping basket click the button Update my shopping basket at the top of the page. At this point, you may want to view your draft invoice by clicking the button 'Show my draft invoice', which has now become undimmed.
To select a different type of screw, return to the Home Page by clicking the Home Page button on the blue menu bar at the top on the left of the Shopping Page; or return to the Home Page by simply clicking the screw picture. Then select a new screw type from the Home Page. Alternatively, to avoid returning to the Home Page, click the appropriate Page button on the blue menu bar at the top of the Shopping Page.
Next click the Update my personal details button at the top of the Shopping Page to open the Personal Details Page. Then add your personnal details into the boxes and click the XFER radio button next to each box. Finally click the button Update my personal data button for your details to be stored. Note that personal details are not required to be entered if paying using PayPal as these would be entered by you on the PayPal website. However, entering them would mean that your details are included on your final invoice that would be emailed to you if you entered your email address on the web page.
All infornation entered by the user is persisted, so that it is available to you after the website is closed and re-opened again. However, any information can be changed by clicking the Update my shopping basket button, or by clicking the Update my personal data button as decribed above. If you wish delete all information to start a fresh order, click the button Start a new order at the top of the Shopping Page. This will delete all the order entries as shown in the text boxes under the SELECTED heading on the Shopping Page. To delete all personal information entered on the Personal Details Page, click the button Clear page at the bottom of the web page.
Radio buttons:
N/C - no change;
XFER - transfer entered data into shopping basket;
ADD - add entered number of items to items already in shopping basket;
SUBT - subtract entered number of items from items already in shopping basket.
Placing an order:
Click Show my draft invoice button at the top of the Shopping Page or at the bottom of the Personal Details Page. View the draft invoice and check that you have selected all the items you want to order. Carefully check all your personal details are correct (note: entered personal details are not shown on the Invoice Page displayed on mobile devices but are still displayed on the Personal Details Page and on your final invoice that would be emailed to you if you entered your email address). To make any changes press one of the update buttons. Now click the button Generate my final invoice on the Draft Invoice Page. The final invoice will then be displayed with an invoice number and the date it was created. The final invoice is stored as a text file on the server, a copy of which is sent to you if you entered your email address in the Personal Details Page. The displayed final invoice (as shown on a desktop or mobile surface) is generated purely from the information contained in the stored text file.
Please print off the final invoice and quote the invoice number in any correspondence.
Please make your payment to Plustech by any of the three methods given below:
Click the PayPal button on the Final Invoice Page and confirm that the total price shown on the PayPal page agrees with the total shown on the Final Invoice Page. Then in the 'Choose a way to pay' part of the PayPal Page, select either 'Pay with my PayPal account' or 'Pay with a debit or credit card'. Then follow the instructions given by PayPal.
Bank Transfer:
Contact below for bank account number and sort code after invoice has been generated.
Ensure that you enter the invoice number into the reference box of your bank payment page.
Contact below for name and address after invoice generated.
Write the invoice number given on the final invoice page on the back of the cheque.
Goods will be posted to you within 2 days of cheque being received (or cleared for large value orders).
Placing a new order:
Click Update my shopping page at the top of the Final Invoice Page. Then click the button Start a new order at the top of the Shopping Page. Then in the hand-written post-it that appears, click YES or NO to the question 'Do you want to keep the quantities of items ordered for the next order?' Then use previously ordered items (if Yes had been clicked), together with any new items you wish to order, to create a new draft invoice by following the steps given in the first two paragraphs of this page.
email: sales@plustech-screw-fasteners.co.uk
Telephone: 01502-726125